Today's Math

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Peace! Today’s Mathematics is Culture. Culture is one’s way of life and the way that you live is reflective of the history and education of a particular people or place. Language, fashion, and overall behavior are accented aspects of one’s culture, some of which are celebrated, while others are condemned and even prohibited. Civilized people’s culture should be the ideal lifestyle, however, the way of life of the uncivilized seems to reign supreme over today’s society.

A subculture of violence has always existed within humanity and this small cancer has spread throughout all demographics of society. Even with our country’s public school system ranking as one of the lowest in scholastic aptitude, right now the concentration is set on safety of the students, with 15 states now gearing up for the armed teacher programs. Lawlessness is synonymous with uncivilized behavior and when it’s directed at authority, there’s bound to be a violet backlash. Now that federal officials have given the thumbs up to allowing giving the middle finger to the law, there will be a lot of unfriendly officers feeling some kind of way. And why shouldn’t they? If they were in the hood, they’d be allowed to draw blood for less.


Culture should compliment and bear witness to it’s consistencies with nature, which will bring about the natural order of the universe; peace. When your culture is in opposition to nature, you’re not living a way of life; you’re point a way of death. Peace!

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)