1536640_752757181418343_1593140109_nHow strong is your selfie game?

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If you have made your way over to the internet by any given chance in the past month you will have undoubtably seen people going above and beyond to take the most outrageous and down right comical “selfless” on the internet. While selfless have become a normal part of social media sometimes to our own demise, these ones here far from typical. With so many people submitting pictures it was evident that we would eventually stumble across the trending hashtag #selfieolympics.

All over the world people are hashtagging their shots in hope of some social impact or to simply make their friends laugh. Drake impressions, outrageous poses, props and more are being used to take the “selfie” to a whole new level. As the pictures keep surfacing they are getting even more crazy. A group of teens went s far as setting up their video game in a bathroom for one memorable picture.



Check out the hilarious images in our slideshow below and be sure to like their fan page.

