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Now that Sony has officially cancelled Thursday’s release of The Interview, and the United States government has confirmed that North Korea was behind the Sony hacks that have revealed everything from upcoming movies to controversial e-mails sent between Sony executives, President Obama has spent the past few days considering his next course of action. According to the New York Times, one of those courses involves soliciting China’s help in completely blocking North Korea’s access to the internet, but even that strategy comes with a bit of a snafu.

It is unclear that China would choose to help, given tensions over computer security between Washington and Beijing since the Justice Department in May indicted 5 hackers working for the Chinese military on charges of stealing sensitive information from American companies.


“What we are looking for is a blocking action, something that would cripple their efforts to carry out attacks,” said one senior administration official to the Times, which would be part of a “proportional response” to the hackers actions over the past few weeks.

Only time will tell whether or not China will be interested.