Directed by: Freeze of Freeze Frame Media

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R&B is flourishing. Majid Jordan, Cocaine 80’s, Kelela, Sunni Colon, and ForteBowie. These are all names that you should be familiar with. Of course there are many more, but let’s let Forte take the limelight today. His newest release, a black and white video for “So Emotional,” is an open letter on a certain girl that makes him feel some type of way. But before her, he fell in love under non-ideal circumstances. Sometimes that’s the only way you learn. Be sure to watch the video until the end if you need to brush up on some dance moves.

The Atlanta produced this new song and look out for his project, Passion & Confusion, this year. He’s also about to head on tour so check out his site to find a city near you.


Bryan Hahn got so emotional one time. He’s on Twitter (@notupstate).