School administrators across the country work in fear for their lives and those of their students.  Some schools have decided to replace fear with action, however.

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Due to a rash of school shootings across the United States, the principal of Alabama’s W.F. Burns Middle School, Priscilla Holley, came up with an idea to make her students feel empowered, instead of like helpless, sitting ducks.

On January 9, 2015, Principal Holley sent letters home to all parents and guardians informing them of a plan she discussed with Alabama law enforcement officials.  According to the letter, parents should give each child in their homes a canned food item.  Students are being allowed to carry a canned good with them at all times while in school.   Should an assailant attack a classroom or student assembly of any sort, each student can fling a can at the shooter until police arrive on the scene.  Apparently, flying objects can discombobulate an armed homicidal maniac, if not knock him or her out cold.


This is what America’s schools have come to.

Doprah No Filtah is all about supporting social justice.  It only comes second to her love of underground hip hop.  Follow her on Twitter @SNSNightlifeMag.

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