Donald Trump, though previously outspoken on many political forums, has actually taken a firm step toward finally running for President, despite his claims in the years past.

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In a statement on Wednesday, he claimed, “I am the only one who can make America truly great again!”

He then tweeted that he would be forming a presidential exploratory committee, a very firm step to be taking, but not a guarantee that he’s throwing his hat in the ring just yet.



In his statement, he further says that he has a great love for America, but that “We have lost respect for the entire world”.

“I have built a great company, created thousands of jobs, and built a tremendous net worth worth with some of the most prestigious and finest assets in the world–and very little debt!”, he exclaims.

He further said that he had made several key hires in many of the primary states, and also a team of political advisors.

One of these advisors tweeted:


If Trump runs for election, he’ll be one of many Republicans attempting to enter the race in 2016, all with much more experience under their belts.


-Curt Cramer (@CurtisRemarc)

1 Comment

  • Maria says:

    Oh, please. An “exploratory committee” means nothing. If you believe anything Donald Tacky says (still waiting to hear about those “unbelievable things” his investigators in Hawaii found out about Obama, by the way), I have a bridge I’d like to sell you.