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Although many arguments about Michael Jordan and LeBron James end with participants agreeing to disagree, a recent debate between roommates on the subject has landed one man in jail.

The two roommates began to argue in their State College, Pennsylvania, apartment in the early hours of Saturday morning. Apparently, one of the men—Daniel Mondelice—became so enraged during the spat that he became violent.


According to the school newspaper:

“At 3:49 a.m. Saturday, Daniel Mondelice, 22, and his roommate began the argument at their Calder Commons apartment, 520 E. Calder Way, the State College Police Department said.

After physically assaulting his roommate, Mondelice was charged with aggravated assault, terroristic threats and simple assault, police said.”

According to Weston, Mondelice was also charged with criminal trespassing and harassment in a different incident later on Saturday.

This isn’t the first time that the Jordan-James debate has led to violence. It was just a couple of years ago that a stabbing occurred after a heated debate, also in Pennsylvania.