Republican candidate and current front-runner Donald Trump responded Sunday [December 20, 2015] to Hillary Clinton after she declared that ISIS was using Trump’s strong comments on Muslims as a force for recruitment.

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It was during the Democratic presidential debate the previous evening [December 19, 2015], that Clinton claimed Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslims from entering the country and other comments were making him “ISIS’ best recruiter.”

“They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists,” the Democratic front runner said.

Donald Trump didn’t miss his chance to dismiss Clinton’s allegations while on NBC’s “Meet the Press”.


“It’s just another Hillary lie–She lies like crazy about everything–whether it’s trips where she was being gunned down in a helicopter, or an airplane. She’s a liar and everybody knows that.”

But, his clap back didn’t just end on the TV screen. Within hours, Trump was on Twitter reiterating his comments, and on Monday [December 21, 2015] demanded an apology from Hillary Clinton.

News outlets such as CNN and Fox News have reported that despite the difficulties in tracking all of ISIS’ communications, there is no evidence that suggests Clinton’s claims of a specific video may be true.