Melania Trump’s plagiarized speech at the National Republican Convention earlier this week has almost gained more attention than the presidential election itself. After using more than a paragraph of our current First Lady’s so eloquently delivered 2008 speech, we’re all wondering who’s really at fault here?

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Nonetheless, Twitter had no remorse as they turned the Melania scandal into a mockery. Twitter users created the hashtag #FamousMelaniaTrumpQuotes as they tweeted famous lines that were obviously quoted by other notable influencers.

Jesse Williams joined in on the fun and gave us some of the best quotes for the new trending topic. Williams quoted Rihanna, Jay-Z, Beyoncé and Harriet Tubman among others as he jokingly accredited such quotes to Melania.


Leave it to Twitter to be completely uncensored at times that the world covers their eyes shuts their ears to topics and incidents that are uncomfortable to address.