Along the heat of multiple women posing allegations of sexual misconduct against Brett Ratner, Russell Simmons has been officially dropped in the mix after model Keri Claussen Khaligi alleged a new case against both men.

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Reported by the LA Times, Khaligi, who was 17 years-old at the time, claims in 1991 after a dinner at Mr. Chow’s in New York City, Simmons invited her to his apartment under the intention to show her a music video he and Ratner had in the works.

Instead, Simmons proceeded on to induce sexual advances by “yanking off her clothes.” Khaligi was under the impression Ratner may have been a vessel of hope to escape the situation, but when she looked over at the Hollywood film director, the look in his eyes said otherwise. “In that moment, the realization fell on me that they were in it together,” the model reveals to The Times.


Eventually, she “just acquiesced” to Simmons request and took a shower afterwards due to feeling “disgusting.” During the time of her shower prep, Khaligi alleged that Simmons walked up behind her and penetrated, without her consent.

The model reportedly spent two nights with the business mogul and did not deny Simmons on any level of sexual conduct, which he clarified in a released statement in response to the allegations, “Everything that happened between us 26 years ago was completely consensual and with Keri’s full participation. We spent time in my apartment over a period of two days and one night…”

Khaligi claims she reached out to Simmons to discuss the incident after the story about Ratner came out, and recalls the Def Jam patriarch apologizing to her, mentioning his refined status as a father with two daughters.

Due to an insufficient amount of evidence, the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office has declined to file criminal charges against both Simmons and Ratner.