According to Metro Boomin‘s latest post on Instagram, it seems as if he plans on retiring from rap. In a post he shared on April 12th, the producer/ rapper was photographed with two bags of chips on his lap, traveling on what seemed like a private jet, with the caption “Retired from rap.” Following such post, Metro also went on to delete all of his posts and he also changed his bio to “Retired from rap.”

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Although there has been no further confirmation on recent news, this comes as no surprise to some. This post follows a few months of Metro staying under the radar. In June, he announced the launch of his own label, Boominati Worldwide, which was formed with Republic Records and Universal Music Group. Following that a few months later, he tweeted a series of complaints against Atlantic Records, later confirming that his tweets were “directed at Mike Caren and the APG division who deals directly with producers and songwriters.

“It is just so demeaning to take advantage of hungry artists/ producers/ writers who put their whole life into their music just 4 u to rob them,” Metro Boomin wrote back in October.
