Are you interested in the return of The Boondocks? The voice of Granddad Freeman, John Witherspoon, reveals the series is working on a comeback.

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Witherspoon sat down with Joe Rogan and detailed the series is set to return for season five. He was speaking on merging his personal self with his work with the series before detailing it would be making a return.

“I’m on the cartoon—what is it? The Boondocks? I didn’t change my voice for The Boondocks,” Witherspoon said. “And they coming back. The Boondocks is coming back … It’s one of the best cartoons I’ve ever been on.”


There are not any details on when the show returns or if Aaron McGruder will be a part. Earlier this year, McGruder dropped a new set of The Boondocks comic strips to address current hot topics like the Mueller investigation and released a message with them:

“Did these for fun (and to see if I still could). More to come… exactly how much more is tough to say. These strips were only possible due to the enormous talent of my good friend Seung Kim, who did the animation for the old show – and he’s a busy guy. Thanks to him and thanks to Charlamagne for putting these out for me while I get my instagram act together.”