
Magnitude 4.1 Earthquake Strikes Delaware, Other Northeast States

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A magnitude 4.1 earthquake struck Delaware on Thursday in a rare seismological occurrence for the U.S. Northeast, officials said, with the temblor’s strength equaling the estimated magnitude of an 1871 quake that was believed to be the largest ever in the state. Visit for more information The quake, previously reported at magnitude 5.1 and […]

How A High School Fight Lead To A 16-Year-Old’s Tragic Death In Delaware

Fight leads to death

A fight breaking out in the bathroom of Howard High School of Technology in Wilmington, Delaware ended in the death of a 16-year-old girl, according to CNN. Visit for more information Police are currently saying they are still conducting interviews and an autopsy has been scheduled to determine the cause of death. Reports suggest […]

Gun Goes Off In A Delaware Junior High School, No One Hurt

Central Middle School

Two middle school students are in custody in Delaware today after a gun is fired inside of a school restroom. No one was injured in the shooting. Visit for more information Police say officers were called to Central Middle School in Dover, Delaware about 12:15 p.m. on Tuesday. Allegedly, one student brought a gun […]