If you thought anyone but Chris Jericho would return on Monday Night Raw, ex this tab out now. Jericho saying the mystery man was Brock was the red herring. With all these cryptic videos the IWC (Internet Wrestling Community) knew these promos were Jericho related.
I can not tell a lie, I’m kind of bored with Jericho’s come backs. Re-invention is always a good think and Jericho is never stale; thats for sure. We’re all used to Jericho’s grand return which leads to the massive crowd pop, wordie promo and crowd exchange. Yet this time, it was a bit different. Jericho was slapping fives and pandering the crowd. He went into the ring grabbed the mic said nothing and left. At first I was quite upset and thought the celebration was going on too long. Then I re-watched his return upon second viewing and realized the sarcasm of it all.
Jericho was building heat. Clearly, Jericho will be a heel and this particular return was mocking the “WWE Universe” for its embrace of CM Punk. Jericho’s new character seems like a self centered, Hollywood diva. He’s playing a different heel maybe the egomaniac cant have someone else calling themselves the “Best in the World”.
Many fans on Twitter had a mixed reaction for Jericho’s return. Some thought It was brilliant and others thought total let-down. It was neither. By saying nothing he did what he had to do: create heat.
The crowd popped when he first came out and boo’d when he exited the arena. There’s going to be a steady build to this in weeks to come. All roads to Punk/Jericho at WrestleMania. I predict Jericho will win the rumble and then choose to face CM Punk at WrestleMania for the WWE Championship.
The one issue I had with his return was the promos had nothing in common with the actual return. What did the girl in the promos have to do with his return? I need to know the “she that holds the mystery of your rebirth” bullshit. Maybe the mysterious girl is a metaphor for CM Punk? Hopefully this isn’t a work and were lead down the Positively Page route. – Emilio Sparks