Today's Math
Today’s Mathematics is Knowledge Equality all being Born to God. Knowledge is knowing and it is obtained by looking, listening, observing, and most importantly, respecting that which you seek to gain Knowledge of. Equality is a balance in which all things yield to in order to exist. Respecting the balance between all things so that they may have a peaceful coexistence is the essence of the mind of God.

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Today’s reality is the Knowledge of Equality among the human families of the Planet Earth. How often do you see people that think that they deserve more respect than others? On a more practical plane, how many people do you see feel like they should have more employment or housing opportunities than they are offered? Within that balance, we have to Know the Equality we are due and respect the Equality due to others. There is a small percentage of people on the planet who have ensured this Equality in the form of Freedom and Justice for all people will be fulfilled. With all due respect, our country will put out an Amber Alert when a child is missing, but that nationwide alert is rarely publicized when it’s a person of color. That’s why most people haven’t even heard of Latisha Nevitt, the 33 year old wife and mother of three who disappeared without a trace. Regardless of your race, if that was your sister, daughter, or mother you’d want her to have Equal coverage as ‘Amber’. While everyone from comedian/activist Dick Gregory to Dirty South rap pioneer Luther ‘Uncle Luke’ Campbell is jumping on Spike Lee for his criticism of the Tarantino blockbuster “Django Unchained”, do either one of them know how it looks to publicly condemn one of the best filmmakers of the century? How would Jewish people respond to a film made by Lee about the Jewish Holocaust? Just Knowledge the Equality.

Knowledge Equality means to turn the tables and view the Cipher as if you are the subject and the one that will be affected. God is Good Orderly Direction, so observe situations from the Understanding of others and this is the best way to be Understood. Peace!


-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)