Newark theater owned by NBA star Shaquille O’Neal shuns freedom fighter flick

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A documentary about iconic political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal was cancelled by a theater in his hometown of Newark, NJ, which is owned by NBA star Shaquille O’Neal.


Critics are crying foul at the cancellation of the showing of “Mumia: Long Distance Revolutionary”, which was scheduled to be seen at the City-Plex 12 in Downtown Newark on April 26th, claiming that the theater and its administration are blocking the doc about the freedom fighter because of its content. Representatives of the City-Plex argue that they cancelled the Stephen Vittoria directed film because it was “inconsistent with their screening practices.”

Mumia worked as a community activist and journalist until he was convicted of the murder of a police officer in Philadelphia in 1981. He has because a pivotal personality on an international level among those who seek freedom, justice, and equality. He has penned a number of award winning literary pieces including the critically acclaimed “Live From Death Row.”

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)