Today’s Mathematics


Today’s Mathematics is Build or Destroy

Peace! Today’s Mathematics is Build or Destroy. The science or act of Building means to add on productively and constructively to any said Cipher. Destroy, which is the polar opposite, means to do away with any and all things that are non-productive and destructive to any said Cipher. Just as the shape of the numeral ‘8’, Build or Destroy possesses the duality of two Ciphers, one positive and one negative. This duality exists in every aspect of life and must be identified in order to know what causes all things to occur that are below and above our level of Understanding.


After ‘Ye debuted his new single “I Am A God” on the God day, the initial inquiry was if he was or wasn’t in tune with Supreme Mathematics to decide to drop that track on that day. Today, the mainstream inquiry is does he mean I Am “A” God or I Am “The” God? That distinction has become a big deal today in the world of Kanye because he’s being examined to see if he’s Building his intellect or just talking shit. Mister Cee refused to admit he’s a homosexual during his Dr. Drew-esque interview on Hot 97, which shows firsthand how the dual principles of Build or Destroy can conflict within a person’s mind when they are at war with themselves. His self admittance will do more for him than any unnecessary public admittance. If he was so secure with himself, he would’ve came out to spin Doo Wop’s 95 Live Anniversary Party last night as scheduled. In the meantime, Foxy Brown is revealing to the world that her rise to the top with that nigga Jigga wasn’t smooth, alleging that Hov was a dirty dick dude with the same shielded passions as his BK neighbor Mr. Cee. With the 7th game loss in the playoffs to top it off, it’s been a bad week for the borough.

Build or Destroy is the natural order of all things in existence because all things must go through this growth process in order to be complete(Born). We must keep in mind that trial in error is a process we must go through in life that teaches us to either swim or sink and the first law of nature is self preservation. The objective of life is survival! Peace!

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)