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Amanda Bynes’ bizarre antics continue and this time Rihanna is involved

Amanda Bynes has been heading down the road that many celebrities tend to take at some point during their career, embarassing controversies. The former All That star has displayed some very strange behavior over the past few months including drastically changing her appearance, posting bizarre pictures and even going as far as to Tweet YMCMB rapper Drake to inform him that she’d enjoy rough sexual relations with him. Three days ago, Bynes was arrested for criminal possession of marijuana, tampering with evidence and reckless endangerment after tossing her bong out of her 36th floor window in Manhattan.


Her latest antic was sending out a couple of tweets towards R&B star Rihanna. “Chris Brown beat you because you’re not pretty enough,” was her first Twitter attack following it up with, “no one wants to be your lover so you call everyone and their mother that I almost named my new dog Rihanna.” Although Amanda deleted the tweets, Rihanna inevitably caught wind of her insults and responded simply with “Ya see what happens when they cancel Intervention?”

Only time will tell if these two cross Twitter paths again.

Ben Lester (bjams11)

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