Today’s Mathematics

Today's Math

Today’s Mathematics is God

Peace! Today’s Mathematics is God, whose proper name is Allah, which simply means Arm Leg Leg Arm Head. The Original Man is God, who is perfection personified because he possesses the Supreme consciousness of his mental and physical Power. There is no mystery God or a God that is unseen because the true and living God is seen and heard everywhere. God manifests himself through Good Orderly Direction in his ways and actions, which is rooted in the Divine principles known as Supreme Mathematics.


It must be made known to those who have little to no Knowledge of God that there are many people who try to play the role of God with no intention of doing or saying anything God-like. To those people, being God simply means being in control, however, the true and living knows that you can’t make anyone do anything or expect rebelliousness. Yesterday it was announced that the FBI along with the NSA(Nat’l Security Agency) are pulling phone, Internet, and surveillance  records of millions of American citizens in what is alleged as a proactive attempt to stop terrorism with the power granted to the government post-9/11. The program, which is called PRISM, isn’t definitively aimed at terrorist, but rather is broadly collecting data from everywhere people frequent from Facebook to Skype. They would like to see themselves as the “All Eye Seeing”, however, these actions reveal that they’re nothing more than the “All LIE Seeing”. It’s no secret that calling 911 is like going to Mickey D’s expecting steakhouse service, so seeing the racist rants from a Dallas, TX 911 operator on her Facebook page was not surprising in the least. Neither were the racist Tweets from business mogul Donald Trump. He had no problem agreeing with right wing conservative Bill O’Reilly, who has stated that most violent crime is committed by Blacks and Hispanics. Minus the police brutality, child molestation, and cannibalism, he’s almost right. The Truth is that neither one of these blood suckers will face the real culprit, which is the deliberate economic disparity of Blacks and Hispanics in this country.

God is man and the concept of God has been misrepresented and misused by man. Only 5% of the world’s population Know and will teach the reality of God, however, there are twice as many who continue daily to keep the myths of the unseen mystery alive in the minds of the people for the benefit of their personal gain. In acquiring Knowledge of God, salvation is free and the only thing you have to pay is attention. Peace!

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)