Today’s Mathematics

Today's Math

Today’s Mathematics is Knowledge Cipher all being Born to Knowledge

Peace! Today’s Mathematics is Knowledge added to the Cipher, all being Born to Knowledge. The root to Understanding all things in life is being able to identify it and identity is synonymous with Knowledge. Once you know all people, places, and things (Ciphers) that are around you as well as you know your name, then nothing will be a mystery to
you. A Cipher has no beginning nor ending, therefore, life itself is a consistent cycle of Ciphers that are encountered and dependent upon the Knowledge one adds on determines whether the Cipher is positive or negative.


It is the Knowledge of any said situation or circumstance that one possesses that determines whether or not that person can save or aid themselves in that Cipher. No one has really defined the original meaning of this “Magna Carta” and what Jay-Z and crew is trying to say. Yo Jigga, the Gods Knowledge the Cipher and that Universal Flag pendant on your chain. Don’t “toy with the idea of heaven and hell on earth” like you said on the Samsung ad about the “Heaven” track because the last person on this planet that played with that type of Power made a devil. Do us all a Justice and make that idea a reality in the minds of the young. It has been rumored that the White House has been petitioned to keep Black people from rioting when/if George Zimmerman gets acquitted for murdering Trayvon Martin in cold blood. The tempo of the case has been geared by the media in fat boy’s favor. The justice system of America is not and has rarely ever worked for the benefit of Original people. The criminalization of the Black male in this country has denied Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin the paternal right to see their youngest son graduate this year.

Knowledge of the Cipher is to let you know that nothing is a mystery unless you want it to be. Everything that happens in life has a cause and if it means that much to you, seek the Knowledge, which is the origin of that Cipher, and you’ll find your answers. When looking for
answers about yourself, look within and you’ll never go without.