Riff Raff Talks Relationship With Drake, Spring Breakers Lawsuit & More

Riff Raff Riff Riff sits down with Shade 45’s Sway [Calloway] in the Morning to discuss his relationship with Drake and his on-going lawsuit with Spring Breakers.

Sway opens the interview by crediting Riff Raff for his previous time at Shade 45 when he actually freestyled when Sway asked him to rap.

Sway noted that Riff Raff is among few who actually chose to drop a verse, let alone freestyle, comparing some of the so-called ‘rappers’ to “b*tches,” because they refused to rap.


Riff offers some comedic takes on his ‘sneaker deal’ that consists of him seeing a sneaker, then his deal is to buy it. He also goes on to remember a snare Jay gave him after looking at Bey..being completely sarcastic.

He goes on to reveal his instant connection with Drake running into him back-to-back nights as well as the settlement he claims to be receiving from the movie ‘Spring Breakers’ for stealing his image and his money.

– John Weber (@JohnPaulWeber)