London’s Wembley Stadium Officials Want Super Bowl Hosting Duties And NFL Team


Will London get the Super Bowl?

Over the last few years the NFL has been increasing their fan base across the pond. Numerous teams have taken part in a game in London and this year is no different. The Minnesota Vikings will take on the Pittsburgh Steelers this Sunday and the San Francisco 49ers will take on the Jacksonville Jaguars next month.


With the NFL’s name growing in London the officials from Wembley Stadium are stating their desire for an NFL team and maybe even Super Bowl hosting duties. Wembley Stadium’s managing director Roger Maslin spoke to the The Independent about a London based NFL team.

“We would be very happy to facilitate NFL at Wembley. We can hold games every couple of weeks, absolutely. Clearly, with the calendar we have to look very, very carefully and make sure we have the right balance. Football is our priority but I am absolutely confident that if Roger Goodell wanted to have a franchise here that we could absolutely deliver on it.”

Clearly Wembley Stadium’s first priority is the English national football team so scheduling may prove difficult. Though this idea won’t happen for many, many years another question would be what division would they play in?

The NFL team and Super Bowl are both long term ideas, but the one we could probably expect to see sooner would be the NFL team.

– John McAuliffe (@John_Mac310)