Charges Brought Against Coolio Back In April Have Been Dismissed

Coolio Arrested

The “Gangsta’s Paradise” rapper made off without a scratch after a misdemeanor domestic battery charge was brought against him.

Coolio dodged a possible jail sentence today. As was reported back in April, Coolio’s girlfriend, Anabella Chatman, alleged that the rapper had punched her in the face and hit her with his car when, for whatever reason, after he brought home another girl. According to the original police report, Coolio fled the scene after punching Anabella, taking their toddler son with him as well as the other woman. Coolio tried to convince the cops that he was the victim in this case, saying that she scratched him in a “jealous rage”, however, the police weren’t buying it, so they took him in.


Now, after all of that, the judge dismissed the case today because prosecutors in Las Vegas say they couldn’t prove the girlfriend’s story beyond a reasonable doubt.

Prosecutors said the major problem was the fact that the “victim” kept changing her story.

– Scott Randell (@DefinedByMvsic)