Kanye West Plays Nice With French Paparazzi

kanye tmz

Kanye being in the mere presence of paparazzi, normally means trouble is in the near future. He has caught a case for assaulting one cameraman earlier this year, and has been seen breaking cameras recently. Well, every dog has it’s day, a broken clock is right two times a day, and sometimes Kanye and the paparazzi get along.

While in Paris, on a recent trip, Yeezus was approached by french paparazzi when exiting his car to enter into a building. Instead of berating them or totally ignoring them, he only asked that they would not pose any questions. Mr. West apparently appreciates paparazzi, within limits.


Don’t think that he left without taking a few shots at Los Angeles cameramen. Stating that the reason he respects the french, but not his own countrymen was due impart to the fact that they took breaks. Perhaps, if American paparazzi stayed away from his home and family late at night or didn’t invade his personal space, he would be more gracious towards them. Then again, they wouldn’t really be paparazzi if they did that, so Kanye is going to have to deal with it for right now.

Luckily, this whole situation was caught on film, and you can watch the whole thing in the video below.

Jimi (@Nativejimi)