Old & New: A Look At Danny Brown’s Visual Evolution

Title: “Greatest Rapper Ever”

Mixtape/Album: The Hybrid


Released:  2010

Before he had his trademark haircut, Danny was sporting long braids and was rapping about selling drugs in Detroit. “Greatest Rapper Ever” gives viewers a chance to experience what living in the D meant to him at the time. It begins in what may have been Danny’s crowded apartment, where one of his family members is cracking scrap metal—an experience he would later speak about in “Scrap or Die.” As the video continues we see him rapping in front of friends, in front of a basketball hoop, and in front of an abandon lot.

While the video may not be the shiniest or the most technically impressive, the griping amount of intimacy with both Detroit and the rapper makes it a memorable one. Even though it is an overused cliché, the realness of the video turns a simple music visual into a three minute documentary.