Can we talk a little bit about Half Forgotten Daydreams. How did you come up with that name?
Curtis: I came up with the name because my homeboy Dex, who had been doing most of my beats at the time, we had just done a whole mixtape called Trill Sh*t Only. So we had started working on the next mixtape, at first it was going to be Trill S*** Only Part 2.that was going to be the name of it. The first beat he ever sent me, after that, he had sampled a song called “Half Forgotten Daydream” by John Cameron or something. The beat was tight, it was a cool beat, it was like pretty dope, but really I just f****d with that title. Something about that title just stuck with me, I was just like oh that s*** was hard. I never really rapped on the beat. Then I started making the mixtape, but I had like a thousand different names and s*** and all of that.
Pretty much the whole tape is based around me, the thing about me, I just f***ing live. I don’t know, there are times when I’m dead broke, there are times when I have a lot of money, there’s times when I just do whatever. I always think, “like man, I don’t give a f***, I don’t give a f***. I don’t give a f*** if I have to sit on the street; I’m going to have fun today.” I feel like a lot of people, they forget about the times when we was in school and you were just sit in class and just daydream all day about your s***. And that s*** that you are forced to not think about, because they’re like ‘don’t think about that stuff, cause you have to think about this s***’, but you still want to be a Power Ranger, be a firefighter, or whatever the f*** you wanted to do. But you never really started doing that s*** because you had to go to school, cause you had to get a job, cause you had to eat today, you had to eat your vegetables. What if I wanted to eat Skittles all day? What if I want to drink Sprite? What if I want a glass of milk for breakfast? What if I want to drink a beer in the morning? What’s the difference between me being drunk at 8 in the morning or 8 at night, I’m drunk either way? People like forget it, but they don’t.
So then when I was thinking about it like that, the name came back to me, Half Forgotten DayDreams. S*** even to this day, there’s s*** we think about that we don’t act on. There’s s*** I want to do right now that I really want to do. I want to start a clothing line and s***. I got all the designs and s***. I sit there and I have visions of like the online shoppers in my head right now. I have dreams of me getting online and going and ordering, yada yada ya. Its like a half forgotten daydream, I push it to the side. That’s how the name came from.