Ceej & Retro Su$hi Conclude Two-9 Interview; Talk Producing, Studio Life & More

Ceej you also produce?

Ceej: I do.


So tell me how it feels to be both a producer and a rapper? Cause you guys rap over your stuff a lot. How does that influence the way you write?

Ceej: It’s pretty f***ing hard to rap on my own beats. I think Curt can agree (Curt: Yes), I think maybe Shaq can agree, but he always raps on his own beats. That’s one part, but I kind of , love making beats. Even more than rapping almost, but um it’s cool. It’s hard to balance it sometimes.

Curtis: You have more freedom when you make beats, cause when you are rapping you are saying something. When you make a beat, you didn’t really have lyrics (Ceej: You can do whatever you want) and stuff. It’s really just sounds, and sounds don’t really have words to them. So when making beats its way easier to do whatever you want. You not really limited to I can’t say this or I have to say this way or I have to use this flow. With beats you can do whatever you want.

Snubnose: I think it’s much easier to make beats than rapping. I think making beats, to me, is more fun and I can go about it more freely. As supposed to rapping and writing, I’m really hard on myself about that.

Ceej; It’s a full time job

Snubnose: It’s a full time job.