ESPN 52nd Ranked Junior Cordell Broadus Talks Recruitment, Life and Xbox One

Growing up in a fishbowl is not always easy. You’re the center of attention from the…

Film Review: Spike Lee Remake’s “Oldboy”

The 2013 Spike Lee remake of the Korean classic stars Josh Brolin and Samuel L. Jackson.

BK Based Fame Labs Drops “Deserted Blocks” Visual From Their “Live At The Lab Take 2:Training Camp” Release

NYC underground favorites Fame Labs release the first video from their latest project

Figure Out How Ratking Keeps It “100” In New Video

They wonder how we keep it 1-double You may not be able to make out a…

Daz Dillinger Sues The Makers Of Grand Theft Auto 5

Former Death Row artist Daz Dillinger sends cease and desist letter to Rockstar Games

Buckshot And Evil Dee Of Black Moon Speak At Hip Hop 101: Told It First Hand

Brooklyn Hip Hop legends Black Moon discuss their debut release Enta Da Stage By Andrew Gretchko

Never On Schedule, But Always On Time: Week of 11/22/13

I’m fluent in money… I wonder why they never offered money as a foreign language class…

He Can’t Leave You Alone! Watch Omarion’s New Video “Leave You Alone”

Love is a battlefield  Singer Omarion released the visual for his single, “Leave You Alone.” This is…

24 Hours Of Bliss: 24 Best Moments Of Pharrell’s “Happy”

Pharrell pushed his creativity over the top for his latest visual for his track “Happy.” The…

Drake Shuts Down the Sleep Train Arena in Sacramento

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