Street Soldiers: Are You Being Judged By The Color Of Your Skin?


This Sunday 2/23/14 on HOT 97 Street Soldiers with Lisa Evers, we’re talking about: THE COMPLEXION CONNECTION: Are you being judged by the color of your skin instead of who you really are?

Here’s what we’re talking about at 9am this Sunday, February 23rd, 2014 on HOT 97 Street Soldiers with Lisa Evers…. THE COMPLEXION CONNECTION: Are you being judged by the color of your skin instead of who you really are?

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StreetSoldiersComplexion“I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

It’s Black History Month and we’re talking about the “undercover racism” that occurs when people make false assumptions based on a person’s skin color. We’re covering this issue from different angles and talking about real life situations where stereotypes still seem to prevail:


CRIMINAL: Black customers were allegedly racially profiled in department stores, and treated like criminals despite the fact they did nothing wrong and had plenty of money for their purchases.

HIP HOP MUSIC: Why does it seem that except for a few videos, the video models who are the romantic interest of the star are tending to have lighter and lighter complexions?

SOCIAL LIFE: Do men pay more attention to women with lighter complexions? And do women find men with lighter complexions “hotter” and more desirable?

We’re looking for the following guests:

1) Men and women writers/bloggers who have stories to tell us about what they’ve experienced based on their skin color and how it’s affected their lives. Also, how they’ve coped with it and not let subtle discrimination stand in the way of going after their goals and dreams.

2) A professor of African-American History or Sociology who can give us a perspective of how complexion differences have impacted the lives of Black Americans.

3) A Latino or Latina with a dark complexion who can talk about how this issue exists within Latin cultures.

4) A video casting director or talent agent who will talk openly about who drives the demand for particular looks.

5) A male and a female model/actor who can talk about what they’ve faced in their careers because of their skin color.

If you fit the description and would like to come on the show, or would like to recommend someone for the topic, please reach out to me ASAP via EMAIL: and I will send you more details. And TUNE into Hot 97 Street Soldiers Every Sunday 9am – 10am

or call us LIVE 1.800.223.9797

About: Hot 97FM Street Soldiers:

About Lisa Evers:

Reporter, FOX 5 News
Host, HOT 97
Twitter: @lisaevers
Instagram: lisaeverslive
Facebook: Street Soldiers Facebook

Tone C. – Executive Producer Email:
A’ngelique Tyree – Associate Producer
Dominican Drew – Production Supervisor
TJ – Board Op/Tech Expert
Amber Ravenel – Studio Assistant

For more information on Street Soldiers or other Hot 97 programs hit us up at

Posted by Charles Fisher and Randy Fisher (Twitter @HHSYC)