Support Your Local Rapper: Week of 3/10/14


I think we all need a break from Justin Bieber. From the fake news about him declaring himself to be African American to NSFW pictures of him and his friend sharing a stripper’s fake breasts, JBeebz’ domination of everyone’s headlines is ruining this warm weather we’re experiencing. Let’s change that. We have a good mix of different styles of Hip-Hop from rappers on the rise. Give the projects a spin and give us your thoughts.

In case anyone has this column’s aim twisted, consider being featured on SYLR as the official first step to your endless path to getting to the top of the chain and staying there. Notice how we said, “staying there.” Some artists have been putting in work and have seen relatively minimal hype. This platform was created to spotlight those deserving the attention of industry folk, fans, and everyone in between. Be sure to stay up to date on what’s legit by checking out the four projects below. If you feel differently, we welcome you to prove us otherwise.


Attention all rappers: This weekly post is a call to arms-lyrical arms. If you do this thing called rap, these four projects are four slaps in the face punches to the throat. And no one just takes a punch to the throat without retaliation. Let’s see yours. And for those who were selected already, let’s see where you go from here. The Source is watching…

West: 100sIVRY

Okay, so this Berkeley emcee released the project in conjunction with Fools Gold but it still demands recognition. Hopefully this is the second time you’ve heard of the dude with the Ice Cold Perm. The flows and beats are a combination of Bay Area and G-Funk, creating an all around California sound. It’s something the old heads and new fans can cruise to.

Midwest: Mic TerrorFresh Prince Of Darkness

The Treated Crew continues to impress. Each member sticks to his niche because each of them does it well. Mic Terror releases his debut project via Closed Sessions and it uses that synth heavy, grimey production for his no nonsense lyrics. But it’s definitely not a no conscience album, if you listen carefully. Something to get buck to and not feel too ignorant about.

South: Anti Lilly & PhoniksStories From The Brass Section

Phoniks has been holding it down for Jazzy producers across the country. The Portland producer linked up with the Houston emcee for a slow burner of a project. Anti Lilly’s continuous and steady flow puts every word to use without overbearing detail. Note: Great sample and inspiration on “14 Til.”

East: Khary DurgansLove+Anchors

When’s the last time you heard of a Rhode Island emcee? Okay, well maybe you may know more than me but this one came as a pleasant surprise. Khary makes great use of a spectacular arsenal of beats, doing the most with the negative space. His composure is calm and collected despite laying it all on the line in order to make this album happen. And he came out of it all with a solid result to show.

Trust me, I listen to every submission. To get your project considered for SYLR, please email the following information to

Where you’re representing
Short bio
Streaming link to your project (do not attach any music)

Bryan Hahn (@notupstate)