Chelsea Handler Shames Piers Morgan On His CNN Show



Piers Morgan, Larry King‘s late night replacement on CNN, will end his 1 year run as CNN’s premier late night news talk show later this month, and unlucky for him, one of his guests as his demise draws near, was the “queen of late night”, Chelsea Handler.


Handler’s been in the headlines quite often as of late, drawing positive and negative attention for her new book, Uganda Be Kidding Me, and her toeing-the-line tweet from Huffington Post‘s account respectively, telling their followers to go to Africa or buy her new book in celebration of Lupita Nyong’o‘s Oscar win.

Last night, on Piers Morgan Live with (of course) Piers Morgan, Handler pointed out that during a commercial break, all Morgan did was tweet and he didn’t pay her any attention. Morgan’s retort implied she wasn’t worth his attention, which prompted Handler to tell everyone watching that he can’t pay attention for 60 seconds, which is why his show is coming to an end. Morgan did well to try to laugh everything off, but unscathed is not how he’ll be walking away from this one. Happy hump-day, Piers.