Senator Malcolm Smith Receives DC37 Endorsement


For Immediate Release: August 15, 2014

Contact: LaSandra Middleton | | 718.808.2428



City’s Largest Public Employees Union Taps Smith

DC 37 Endorses Malcolm Smith for Re-election bid

Queens, NY – State Senator Malcolm Smith (D-St. Albans) clenched the support of DC 37, a labor powerhouse with 121,000 members.

“I am humbled and honored by the vote of confidence District Council 37 (DC 37) has shown by supporting my re-election campaign,” said Smith. “With the support of my community. I look forward to returning to Albany to continue working with my colleagues in the State Legislature and the Governor to push forward a progressive agenda to create quality jobs, a sound education for our children and services for our retirees.”

Recently the New York Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) released a report ranking the 13-year incumbent among the Senate’s top 10 drafters of resolutions adopted by both houses.

“Our members are proud to support Senator Smith who has been a consistent and unwavering voice for the issues that are important and impact the lives of our union members, their families and our city. He has always stood with us and now it is our time to stand with him”, stated Wanda Williams, Political Action Director, DC 37.


For more information on NYS Senator Malcolm A. Smith and other politicians hit us up at

Posted by Charles and Randy Fisher (Twitter @HHSYC).