Cyber war has officially been declared against the Ku Klux Klan.

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Social activist group, Anonymous, has a lot in common with its recent nemesis, the Ku Klux Klan, because much like the pre-Civil War leaders in terrorism, Anonymous knows how to strike fear in its enemies

Modern day computer hackers, Anonymous members know how to destabilize their targets by grabbing them by the proverbial social media “balls.”


In a recent show of solidarity with Michael Brown sympathizers in Ferguson, Missouri, Anonymous warned the Ku Klux Klan to stand down and withdraw their threats of lethal force against protesters.  The Klan refused to heed so Anonymous showed its muscle and took complete control of their Twitter account.  Anonymous changed the Klan’s profile avatar and posted many photographs of Klan members without their hoods and robes.

Doprah No Filtah is all about supporting social justice.  It only comes second to her love of underground hip hop.  Follow her on Twitter @SNSNightlifeMag.

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