Young Guru is takin’ ’em to school.  

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The infamous Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is starting an installment series called “Hip Hop Speaker,” and they found none other than the legendary audio engineer, professor, and DJ Young Guru to kick things off.

The new series at MIT aims to bring leaders in Hip Hop together with faculty to find a way to bring about interesting insights.


Young Guru’s lecture is scheduled for next month. Part of what he plans to talk about is how design and innovation have impacted music, and how that impact is now spreading to other aspects of design, innovation, and tech.

On top of lecturing at MIT, Young Guru has also entered into his second year as an artist in residency at University of Southern California’s Thornton School of Music.

It seems as if the sky isn’t even the limit for the Grammy Award winning act, who is most famously known for his work with Jay Z. It is interesting to watch Hip Hop grow, and move to places like MIT and beyond. Who knows what’s next?

About The Author

Azeem is a 26-year-old Pakistani-American Muslim living in Brooklyn, NY. He graduated from Boston University in 2010 with a, B.A in Biology, and from Boston University in 2012 with an M.A in Medical Sciences. He is a currently a freelance business development consultant for startups.

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