After racial tension in Ferguson, Missouri there are now e-mails being released that shows racial jokes and offensive sayings about Blacks
The country is still in an unrest after the shooting death of Michael Brown in the hands of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. Top City Clerk, Mary Ann Twitty exchanged emails with two Ferguson police officers saying offensive things about African Americans. In one e-mail, Twitty and the officers exchange jokes about former President Ronald Regan feeding a monkey, and saying that it’s Regan feeding current President Barack Obama. In another e-mail, a comment was made of President Obama not lasting long in office because,
What Black man holds a steady job for four years?”
These e-mails were discovered after a steady investigation by the Department of Justice after the death of Brown by Wilson. Upon the discovery of the e-mails, Twitty was fired. Twitty was not only fired for the offensive e-mails, she also made sure that her collegues did not have to pay citations and fines. In one e-mail, a relative of Twitty e-mailed her a scanned ticket asking if there is anything she can do. Twitty e-mailed her relative back and said, “Your $200 has magically disappeared.”
– Ballah-moni Kollie (@Gottadream87)
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