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17-year-old Hakeem Kuta was pronounced dead Saturday after falling six-stories Thursday night while running from police

Hakeem Kuta, 17, died Saturday due to injuries he sustained days earlier when he fell off the roof of a six-story building on Valentine Avenue in Bedford Park while running from police. According to the NYPD and residents, Kuta lost his footing as he was being chased by BX officers. He was taken to St. Barnabas Hospital in critical condition, and died at 10:48 a.m. Saturday.


Kuta along with a 14-year-old teen, had been running from police after officers confronted them and several other people while responding to a call of kids smoking marijuana in an apartment building lobby. The two teens then ran up a staircase and according to police two officers followed them to the roof of the building.

Police were heard shouting at the teens to just relax. While on the roof, the boys tried to jump 10 feet to another rooftop, both of them lost their footing. One of the officers was able to grab the 14-year-old teen before he fell, but Kuta unfortunately wasn’t able to hold on long enough to be rescued and he fell down into the alley onto the pavement six-stories below. This is a sad incident that could of surely been avoided, and while detectives are investigating it appears there was no foul play involved.

-Infinite Wiz (@InfiniteWiz)

About The Author

Infinite Wiz a.k.a. ShortyReal alias MakHERveli: Hip Hop Activist/ Writer/ MC; Youth Representative of Hip Hop for United Nations NGO New Future Foundation, Inc; Boss at Infinite Enterprizes "Team Of Bosses" #FDR3 #Zalute @InfiniteWiz

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1 Comment

  • Marvel says:

    They can keep that lie the cops killed that young man!! And everyone no they did.