5. Hot Growth
-2 tbspn Cayenne pepper
-1 cup coconut oil
-1/2 cup olive oil
1. Add cayenne pepper to glass jar then add the coconut oil ( use a funnel or step back incase of splashes )
2. Shake or stir mix together throughly. Let it sit for 10 days in a dark area (sunlight can destroy the carotenoids which is needed for the cayenne to work when it’s used internally)
3. Pour out the oil leaving the peppers in the jar. Add the olive oil and stir. Add to scalp and hair ( use coconut oil for tips of bags close to the face ). Let sit for a an hour or more depending on tolerance level. Rinse and wash hair as normal.
Cayenne pepper seems like an odd choice for hair usage, but it’s just what hair needs. The heat from the peppers triggers the blood flow from root to follicle, which helps increase your hair growth. Measure your hair and keep track of your progress!
The healthier your hair, the happier you’ll be!
Amari B. (@msdivanewz)