Professor Fails Entire Class Because of Behavior

For years, teachers have dealt with unruly students while trying to prepare them for life. Many teachers either failed the students or just dealt with the ignorance of students. One professor had enough and hit the students where it hurts…their grades.

Texas A&M University professor, Irwin Horowitz decided that he coud not deal with the ignorance of his students and decided to fail his entire strategic management class. Horowitz claimed that his class was so disrespectful that at times he had to have security guards in his class. Horowitz sent out the e-mail to his students describing why he failed the entire class.

“I am frankly and completely disgusted. You all lack the honor and maturity to live up to the standards that Texas A&M holds, and the competence and/or desire to do the quality work necessary to pass the course just on a grade level.”


While many students are trying to make sense of their behavior, senior John Shaw felt that he was doing good in the class, and was upset that he was failing because of the actions of his peers.

“I had never had a problem in the class. I thought I had…done pretty well on the first test and then I get an email saying I am going to get an F in the class. It was overwhelming.”

Should teachers try the method of failing students if they misbehave in class?

– Ballah-moni Kollie (@Gottadream87)