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Kevin Bruce is a student at Kennesaw State in Georgia, like all other students he bumped into some issues and needed to speak with an adviser for some guidance.  What happened to Kevin, makes no sense to me at all.


Mr. Bruce was in the waiting area, bidding his time before someone was available to speak with him, that’s when Abby Dawson the Director of Advising got involved.

Kevin Bruce was told that him “Sitting here until someone’s available, is harassing them.”  Bruce responded to Dawson by saying “I’m just waiting to talk to someone, I’m not harassing no one though.”

After a bit of back and fourth, Dawson threatens to call campus security on a man who is sitting in a chair waiting to speak with an adviser at a college.  I don’t understand why, I do understand why Bruce got retweeted over 5,000 times.

Bruce’s video sparked up more complaints students have had about Mrs. Abby Dawson, watch the video above and let us at The Source know what you think about this whole situation.


– (DaCommish28)