Imperfection is beauty, and this new line of dolls is proving the statement to be true!

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Times have changed since stick figure, blonde hair, blue eyed barbies were the only option for little girls to play with. The british doll company Makies has released the 3-D customizable doll. Kids can chose size, color, hair texture, and more. The kicker is, these new babies can also be accessorized to have disabilites (scars, walking sticks, and hearing aids). Here’s a message from the company:

In recent weeks, the Toy Like Me Facebook campaign (#toylikeme) has rallied for greater ‘diversity in the toy box’, calling for toys that reflect children in more inclusive ways than the market currently offers. Toy Like Me’s Facebook posts of toy ‘makeovers’ by parents of disabled children have been widely shared, reaching an audience of 50,000 and rising – thanks to enthusiastic support from parents eager for positive representation of disability in toys.



This is surely a step in the right direction and it’s imperative that all little girls feel special. More accessories are set to be released with the line including a wheel chair, and made-to-order birthmarks! How awesome is this?

-Tia Long (@ByTiaLong)