President Obama Recognizes Hip-Hop Against Gun And Gang Violence Week With An Inspirational Message As We Also Celebrate Gun Violence Awareness Month

The Hip-Hop Against Gun & Gang Violence Project And The Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council Will Be Working With The White House, The My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, Power 105.1, the Source Magazine, metroPCS, “The Shark” Daymond John, The NY Code + Design Academy, NYS Governor Cuomo, NYC Mayor de Blasio, the NYS Senate and Assembly, the NYC Council, Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano, Students, Business And Community Leaders To Address Gun/Gang Violence, End Black on Black Crime and Improve Police/Community Relations


Through the 7 E’s 4 Power Tour We Will Also Address Academic Failure, The Digital Divide, Unemployment, Entrepreneurship, Cultural & Spiritual Empowerment To Help End The Violence


MBK Alliance kids pic

Monday June 8, 2015—-In recognition of the 4th annual Hip-Hop Against Gun & Gang Violence Week (May 15-21, 2015) and to further support Gun Violence Awareness Month (June) we kicked off a 105-day Campaign to produce 105 events over 105 days with Power 105.1, the Source Magazine, metroPCS, “The Shark” Daymond John” and the NY Code + Design Academy to end Gun & Gang Violence with a focus on the hot summer months when gun violence spikes.  This is a very special year because in addition to the Proclamations/Resolutions from NYS Governor Cuomo, the NYS Senate and Assembly; NYC Mayor de Blasio; the NYC Council, Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano, we were blessed with a Powerful and “Inspirational Message from President Barack Obama”, who recognized our outstanding work to end gun and gang violence.  The President recently launched the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance and we have partnered with the organization to address issues around education, employment, entrepreneurship, the digital divide, crime and youth empowerment for young Black & Latino males.


 Digital Divide

The week started with a pre-event on the 14th at the headquarters of South by Southwest News where we attended an event with Ambassador Carlos Garcia to discuss global gang issues.  We signed an MOU with the Solutions Group from El Salvador to help address a growing gang problem in America and El Salvador caused by the violent MS 13, one of the most violent gangs in the world.   On the 16th we coordinated the Young Men’s Hip-Hop Empowerment Summit with the New York City Mission Society at the Minisnk Townhouse in Harlem where we were joined by Councilmember Inez Dickens who applauded the campaign for its continued commitment to end gun and gang violence, while providing the necessary resources for those looking for a better life.  The event was a success as members from the audience came forward to offer their solutions to end gun and gang violence, which will be presented to Celebrities, Power 105.1, Political, Business and Community leaders for possible implementation.

HSYC with Council Member Inez Dickens and Troy Outlaw from her office.
HSYC with Council Member Inez Dickens and Troy Outlaw from her office.

Participants also learned about the history of Hip-Hop and how to use the Cultural and Spiritual element that created the “Raptivism Movement” to end gun and gang violence.  “In God We Trust” is the slogan on all US Currency and if people really want to get “Paid in Full” all they have to do is learn how to “Trust In God.”  We will show young citizens how to get rich and “Not Die Trying” through spiritual enlightenment.

Malcolm X's daughters Ilyasah and Gamilah Shabazz.
Malcolm X’s daughters Ilyasah and Gamilah Shabazz at Malcolm’s 90th Birthday celebration in Harlem.

To address Black on Black Crime on May 19th, we read the President’s Message during the 90th year birthday celebration of Malcolm X at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem where he was killed.   Speakers paid respect to Malcolm and offered solutions to end the Black on Black Crime in memory of a man who fought to improve the life of poor citizens.  In NYC Black & Latino’s make up 97% of gun shooters and 96% of those murdered by a gun.

End Black On Black Crime logo
End Black On Black Crime project logo

To closeout Hip-Hop Against Gun & Gang Violence Week we kicked off the “Rap 2 Bridge the Gap” initiative at MS 42 with Principle Finn to improve relations between the Police and the Community.  Lt. Saleba spoke to students about the job of a Police officer and the dangerous they face daily on the mean streets.  Students asked questions about getting arrested, gang life, drugs, bullying and how the Police and Community need to work closer to keep our schools and communities safe.  Police solve most crimes with public support so it behooves both parties to work as a team to improve public safety because that is why Rap 2 Bridge The Gap was created.  The event closed with the reading of the President’s Message and the creation of a committee who will draft a letter thanking the President for his kind words and request that he visit the school before the end of his term.

Rap 2 Bridge Celiba Pic MS42
Lt. Celiba, Randy Fisher, MS42 Principal Finn (Far Rockaway), Charles Fisher

Why must we End Gun & Gang Violence, address Black on Black Crime and Bridge the Communication Gap between the community and law enforcement agencies?  The Wall Street Journal reported a new crime wave after two-decades of decline.  Some say the uptick in shootings is due to the “Ferguson Effect” a term coined by St Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson, whose officers drew back from daily enforcement due to fears of being charged. Also the former Attorney General’s Report on Ferguson put the actions of Police Departments nationwide on notice.

Police community

The following 9 cities are feeling the pain and we will be working with them using some innovative solutions:  Shootings in New York, the “Safest Big City” in the country has been rising for two straight years for the first time in two decades with a 20% increase this year compared to the same period in 2013.  In Baltimore gun violence is up more than 60% compared with this time last year, with 32 shootings over Memorial Day weekend.  May has been the most violent month the city has seen in 15 years.  In Milwaukee, homicides were up 180% by May 17 over the same period the previous year.  Through April, shootings in St. Louis were up 39%, and homicides 25%.   Murders in Atlanta were up 32% as of mid-May.  Shootings in Chicago had increased 24% and homicides 17%.  Shootings and other violent crimes in LA spiked by 25%.  In San Francisco and Houston murders are up more than 50%

Police Line victim pic

Poverty and illiteracy continue to be the “Root Causes” behind gun and gang violence and until we can solve those issues there will never be peace in our communities.  Young people today are fearless, with no morals or values and like the Palestinian Bomber many believe they have nothing to loose.  This is the “Frankstein” we created and we only have ourselves to blame.  Arresting gang and street crew leaders is a temporary fix because there are many poor and at-risk youth in line ready to take their place.    As we countdown our 105 day campaign which ends 9/7/15, we have a lot of work to do and with an “Inspirational Message” from President Obama, as well as support from the “My Brothers Keep Alliance”, our sponsors and elected officials, we can reach out to young citizens urging them to support our “Call To Action” and join the “Raptivism Movement” so we can make this a safer and better world.

HHSYC and Ambassador Garcia at the signing of the historic MOU with FEPADE of El Salvador.

Daymond John Profile Pic sm1
HHSYC with Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano holding the 2015 HAGGV Proclamation.
HHSYC with Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano holding the 2015 HAGGV Proclamation.
Power 105 Logo..


Jeremy Snepar NYCDA logo

Revised HHSYC logo 2014

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For more information on the Message from President Obama and Hip-Hop Against Gun & Gang Violence hit us up at

Written by Charles Fisher and Randy Fisher (Twitter / Facebook / Instagram @HHSYC).