“May God continue to shed His grace on the United States of America.” —@POTUS http://t.co/14Z3HnNi8v
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) June 26, 2015
POTUS delivers emotional eulogy at slain Reverend’s funeral
President Barack Obama delivered an emotional eulogy at the funeral for slain Reverend Clementa Pinckney today, one of the 9 people killed by Dylann Roof in the shooting at Emanuel AME Church last week. Honoring the fallen reverend, Obama made clear a difference in belief between Dylann Roof and Clementa Pinckney, not just rooted in racial beliefs, but in faith in God.
Blinded by hatred, he [Roof] failed to comprehend what Reverend Pinckney so well understood–the power of God’s grace.”
Towards the end of his speech, Obama, without warning, began singing “Amazing Grace”, first slowly, then with the help of the entire congregation. Shortly after that, he began listing off the names of the other victims of the Emanuel AME shooting with the help of the organ player, making for an extremely emotional scene.
Watch a clip above.