Watch New Visual For Band Gang’s “Ham”

The Family’s rap collective Band Gang has generated millions of views online and are in position to take their city by storm

Recently at one of their videos the Detroit Police came through in full force with helicopters and riot police to stop the commotion caused by heavy support of their fans at their video shoot. Detroit’s own, Band Gang, is known for causing a scene in their hometown and having just been banned from from Detroit’s Hot 107.5 Summer Jam.

With some members still in high school, their connection to the youth of the streets is undeniable. Band Gang is prepping for their release of their Young Kings Project dropping June 30th hosted by DJ Cassius Caine and RJ Lamont. Check out the previously released video for “Ham” and the single from the Young Kings’s Mixtape dubbed “2 Bad Bitches” featuring Detroit’s own Icewear Vezzo and produced by veteran producer Cassius Jay.
