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This week’s edition of “Off The Wall” features the West Coast freight graff movement We Ride By Train

For the most part, the focus on “Off The Wall” has always been the writers who have been killing the streets or bombing the subways before the 1989 clean train era. There is a movement that has grown over the decades since subway train bombing became almost null and void, which surprisingly, is a greater platform for graffiti writers.


The LA based WRBT(We Ride By Train) movement is one of the largest crews in the freight graffiti “community” that have provided quality art, clothing and other visual arts all at the cost of the various freight systems intersected throughout the United States. All of the work, travel by freight and other debauchery is totally unauthorized and has been packaged for sale in their new We Ride By Train Volume 3 available at

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)