Two WDBJ journalists in Roanoke, Virginia, were shot while broadcasting by a former employee of their station

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Two VA journalists, Alison Parker and Adam Ward, have been killed by a gunman while broadcasting. Both victims were shot in the head and listed as homicides.

Parker suffered gunshot wounds to the head and chest while Ward died from gunshot wounds to the head and torso. It’s not been determined how many times they were shot during the attack on Wednesday.


The shooter, Vester Flanagan, later died from self-inflicted gunshot wounds. He claimed the staff had mistreated him during his time there and he was discriminated against due to homosexuality.

Vicki Gardner, who was being interviewed at the time of the attack, was shot in the back after Flanagan missed her twice. According to her husband Tim, she got up and walked to the ambulance after being hit.

-Infinite Wiz(@InfiniteWiz)