The Source Welcomes Malcolm X to Twitter

The Source is honored to welcome the legacy of Malcolm X to Twitter, and Facebook: @MalcolmXShabazz and Malcolm X Shabazz respectively.

El Hajj Malik El Shabazz, known to many as Malcolm X,  was born on May 19, 1925 and lived as an extraordinary human rights leader, with a resonance even beyond his death on February 21, 1965. His legacy has continued to inspire generations and he has become an iconic brand name and image. He was a courageous advocate for human rights and social justice, as much for people of the African Diaspora as he was for the rights of people internationally. He fought against injustice and has been called one of the greatest and most influential men in history.

Representing the Shabazz family, eldest daughter Ambassador Attallah Shabazz stated: “For over half a century, we have been moved by the many at home and global citizens whom have been inspired by our Father’s steadfast devotion, intellect, principles and his commitment to assure a shared equity of human rights as a balanced asset for all people. My family and I look forward to sharing Malcolm as Malcolm in a number of ways and invite you to be a part of our extended family as well.”


Earlier in the year, The Source wrote a cover story on the legacy of Malcolm X in our Spring 2015 issue, in commemoration of his “90/50” year–what would’ve been his 90th birthday and the 50th anniversary of his assassination. Here’s an excerpt of it, and you can read the full story here.

x cover