“You lack the vitamins and minerals, irons and the niacin..”
“-OC “Times Up”
Many people identify taking vitamins with being old, weight lifting or being deficient in some physical area. Truth is that in this modern world, everybody would benefit from taking a good multivitamin. One of the by-products of progress is that there are modern things that impact our health that didn’t impact our great grandparents and great-great grandparents. The stress of modern living, lack of rest, temperature extremes and the declining food quality impacts everyone. It doesn’t even matter if your diet is 100% natural and organic. I guarantee that you could use more vitamins and minerals in his life.
Vitamins and Minerals are the essential elements that you get from food that allows your body to function. There are two major groups that you need. You need the proper vitamins and minerals for your body to operate and then you need the proper vitamins and minerals for your body to absorb those nutrients. As you age (and by age, I mean once you turn that corner after your mid twenties), your body needs more specific nutrients. That is why it is good to find a good multivitamin.
A good multivitamin is a supplement (not replacement) for a good diet. The bulk of what your body requires needs to come from proper food choices. That means cut down on fried food, eat more veggies and fruits, drink more water and move around more. The multivitamin fills in the gaps that you unknowingly have in your diet. When looking for a good multivitamin try to find a plant based vitamin which is better than a synthetic one. Don’t look for anything fancy. Just something that you can take once a day. Trust me. It will increase the quality of every aspect of your life in terms of your immune system, energy level and general wellness. Invest in your health today.