It looks like the Beibs needs to watch his step. For the umpteenth time, Justin Beiber has taken a tumble live during his stage set. This makes the third fall this year during his Purpose Tour. He has managed to come back to life after each fall, but it seems as if he should be saying “goodbye” instead of “sorry” to this problematic stage set.

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Beiber’s Florida concert on June 29 marks the third fall in three months for 22-year-old pop sensation. Beiber always manages to go all out giving his fans heart throbbing performances as he sings his hit single “Sorry.” Maybe it’s time for Beiber to say “sorry” to his water filled stage set because it has caused him a lot of trouble, which began at the Kansas City, Missouri stop. During his performance at the Sprint center, the Beibs ran shirtless onto the stage resulting in a quick slip and fall that he easily played off then continued his performance. This fall was the least of his worries.

In June of 2016, Beiber fell not once, but twice into trap doors on separate nights during the performance of his song “Sorry.” The first performance was in Saskatchewan, Canada on June 16 and the second was in Jacksonville, Florida on June 29, where he fell straight through the trap door, although he made quick recoveries both times. He rose from the trap doors saying, “Life’s about taking falls and life’s about getting back up!” Videos were quickly posted to social media of his fall.
