The end to ugly hospital gowns might not be too far away. For children, that is.
In an effort to build confidence amongst patients, Starlight Children’s Foundation Canada has teamed up with local Ontario designers to redesign hospital gowns for Canadian hospitals and beyond.
Deeming the project Warb+Robes, the motivation behind the designers is to serve an underserved hospital population: teens and young adults. According to BuzzFeed, more than 130 hospitals have signed on to work with Warb+Robes.
Senior vice president of development for Starlight Trevor Dicaire commented on the importance of projects like Warb+Robes that help young patients be themselves again: “We felt this was a perfect program to provide them with a sense of hope, empowerment and individuality.”
While Warb+Robes primarily serves Canadian hospitals, there’s no knowing how far the project may go considering its current success.