There is a lot of mystery surrounding the Dallas police shooting case. Who exactly is Micah Xavier Johnson and why doesn’t he have any social media? Why did it take so long for his parents to be found and why doesn’t he have any friends?

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Photos have been released from an “anonymous source” of Johnson after officials used a bomb carrying robot to blow him up. Although it was initially claimed there were two shooters, Johnson is now the only one to have been identified and it’s been “confirmed” he was a lone shooter.

Five police officers died as a result of the Dallas shooting and 11 were injured. Johnson’s family expressed their shock and disbelief of the matter by posting to social media and breaking down during interviews.  “The news will say what they think,” Micah’s sister said on Facebook, “but those that knew him know this wasn’t like him… This is the biggest loss we’ve had.”


According to Dallas Police Chief David Brown during a press conference on Friday, “The suspect said he was upset with white people and wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.”

There are a lot of different rumors currently circulating about Johnson’s affiliations. The only consistent solid fact is that Johnson was an army veteran that served one tour in Afghanistan for nine months from November 2014 to July 2015 and was in the Army Reserve for six years.